DJ Set | Musai

Cunoscut pentru melodiile în care îmbină poezia cu muzica contemporană, în prezent se îndreaptă mai mult către stilurile Funk și Groovy.

Known for most of his songs that combined the art of poetry with contemporary music that later ended with an album in March 2016, Musai now focuses more on the Funky and Groovy side of the music.

He started producing music in 2012 inspired by the deep and dark side of some music genres like Dubstep and Future Garage and collaborated with various producers like Alpha Steppa, Subcarpati, Ioana Selaru, Moose Dawa and others.

In 2017 had his first Vinyl release of a tribal like, Halfstep song released on Steppas Records and continued producing song after song, soon expecting to release a new album.